Wednesday, November 17, 2004

NYC - First the Bad

As my dear friend "Bitch" pointed out, it is time to dig in. Hil and I took a fabulous vacation to NYC in October which was to be the formal launch of my blog. My intention was to take photos of all the fabulous food we ate in the ciy then continue with all the fabulous food I eat at home.

Let me start with what is now referred to as "The Meal We Pretend Wasn't". After walking for a few hours after landing in NYC, we both were overcome with weakness from starvation. It was this completely medically plausible explanation that led us to this extrememly poor choice in dining.

Let me present Monkey Ass Soup

Monkey Ass Soup Posted by Hello

Now clearly, I have never tasted Monkey Ass, but when I ordered corn and chicken chowder and was presented with a soup of faux rubber lobster, I am fairly certain Monkey Ass would taste about the same.

This butt soup was accompanied by a tasteless big salad that was just too unremarkable to even comment on.

Big Bland Salad Posted by Hello

Lastly, I present "The Parker" - purely dick drink from the illustrious and grand Algonquin Room - former haunt of Dorothy Parker and her round table gang. I managed to gag it down but the horrendous hangover the next morning would have made even Dorothy puke. Cough syrup as a flavor enhancer - not good.

The Parker Barfer Posted by Hello


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