Wednesday, November 17, 2004

NYC - The Good

After a few martinis, Hil and I had dinner at a nice Italian Bistro. (Beca, Bocca, Beco?) Irrationally concluding that red wine would go great with vodka martinis, we asked our bartender to recommend a wine. He poured us a lovely red and when he said it was $20 a glass, Hil asked if we could have something less expensive. "We have a bottle of red wine for also $20." Bottle vs. glass.....what to do, what to do...... DUH! So began the dinner I don't really remember all that well.

The Bread Posted by Hello

It started with the most delicious bread sticks I have ever tasted. Full of thyme and rosemary - they were amazing. When eating out I NEVER, EVER, EVER, E.V.E.R. order chicken or anything I eat regularly at home (chicken, spaghetti) or make really great (filet, carbonara). Eating out for me is a magical time and I try to order something new or at least a dish I suck at preparing. Enter the fish dish.

The fish dish Posted by Hello

I don't even remember what it was and I know it was very very good, but after the Cosmopolitans and red wine, fish was not such a good idea. Hil had seared beef with a creamy risotto that was also delicious. I know because I ate most of that.

Beef Posted by Hello

That is where my photo journalism ended. We had two of our best meals, one in Little Italy and one at Sushi Samba the next day but I did not even take a single picture. I must remember to go back to NYC to try again......


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