Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Spammin Salmon

Well, well, well. It only took a few random comments from my first blog spammer! to get off my bum and get posting. Spam or not, "Michael" mentions salmon so here I go with SALMON on my mind.

I have a love/hate relationship with salmon (much like my feelings about Oprah and snow). You see, here in the Midwest, it is terribly difficult to get fresh salmon or any fresh fish for that matter - catfish being the exception. Even the flash frozen cuts have much to be desired. Our local paper publishes local cook stories on each Wednesday and there was a guy who actually had a recipe to get the stank out of the salmon. I just think if you've got fish stank and skank, better off to walk away. Or better yet, run. Holding your nose.

Occasionally, I get in the mood for some and attempt it again. The last time, I opted to grill and the smell was so rank and fishy - fishy in that bad way - I didn't try salmon again for over a year. Even the grill held that smell for most of the summer and roasted pork tenderloin with the essence of pond scum? - uh - not so good.

There are those rare treats like when my mom went "deep sea fishing" (can you call it that in Lake Michigan?) and brought home a big salmon she caught herself. Of course, she cooked it in beef broth but that is a story for the food crimes thread. My new neighbor, Pat, recently returned from a week of fishing in Alaska and I was delighted when he shared a bit of grilled halibut. So I know what good fish tastes like and I enjoy it. But here? Fuhgitabowtit.

And then there is SUSHI! I spent this last weekend with my old friend Hil in Chicago where I was treated a second time this year to a wonderful meal at Katsu. Hil and her husband are regulars and swear that it is the best sushi around. Considering that I have only been to 3 sushi restaurants (all with Hil come to think of it), I will take their word on that but it most certainly is wonderful. Fabulous. Orgasmic. I had 2 pieces of tuna and the Philadelphia roll which is fresh salmon with cream cheese and asparagus. The salmon and tuna were amazing.

So as I am sitting here tonight, contemplating what to make for supper, I am longing for some nice grilled white fish filets but will probably settle for hamburger. Maybe with tarter sauce.


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