Thursday, December 15, 2005

A Stretch.....

I love Christmas in theory. Birthdays always should be fun (you know? The REASON for the SEASON - DAMN! I hate that phrase). I generally like the decorating, the baking, the entertaining and the shopping for the perfect gifts. I probably should say the perfect decorating, perfect baking and perfect entertaining. Yes, that evil perfectionism is a curse this time of year. I inevitably put way too much pressure on myself to have 'the best Christmas EVER.' But every year, without exception, it ends up being complete drudgery and a major disappoint in so many ways. I think I have ended up in tears almost every Christmas night. BAH!

This year seems so different. I have BAKED cookies, made carmels (note to self -NEVER make again!), dipped pretzels in that grody white waxy stuff. I have set MAJOR spending limits and have managed to find some pretty good, thoughtful gifts for those I love. I have decorated my tiny house with only the really good decorations I saved from the move. For the first holiday season probably since I was I child, I feel hopeful, happy and at (semi) peace. I cannot begin to express how wonderful that feels.

Which brings me to the topic of this post. In the new Bon Appetit, (See? There is a food reference!) there is a dining room makeover section. This was the new chandelier...............

I found it online and ordered it yesterday. My mom is going to LOVE this light from Dutch designer Tord Boontje. His works are amazing. And it was in Bon Appetit so it is sort of food related.


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