Sunday, November 19, 2006

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Chicken Pot Pie with Homemade Herb Biscuits

I made two pot pies tonight. I made one with onions and herbs for me and a sans onions and herbs for Max. Recently,I have started sneaking in onions into Max's food and even the occasional herbs. "What is that GREEN in there?" Just eat it Max.....I am hoping to give him an unaware acquired taste.

The pot pie was good, not great. I used Ina Garten's recipe for herb biscuits but forgot to put on the egg wash even though it was ready and right in front of my face. So the biscuits did not brown. I also overworked the dough so they were too heavy. Ina would be pissed at me no doubt. Although in a nice way I bet. She seems very nice.....

A few days ago, I came across a stuffed mushroom recipe on Epicurious I wanted to try. The ingredients all sounded good: Italian sausage, Parmesan, oregano, dash of Worcestershire and garlic, cream cheese and an egg.

Moldy mushrooms prevented me from making these last week but after a trip to the grocery store today, I was ready. Here they are right out of the oven.

Here they are in the trash can. Bad. Just bad. I have never written a review on Epicurious although the reviews of other users greatly influences me. I believe this will be my first review.....Blechhhkkkk!

Oh! The vegetable soup was great. I will post the entire recipe later.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day. At least you are trying. I am in charge of the chips! Oh and probably dishes too.

1:29 PM  

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