Monday, November 13, 2006

Pajama Food

We are having a bad day. Max and I yelled at each other, me with particular force. I have not yelled in ages. I have not yelled at him in forever. I didn't like it. He didn't like it more.

Most obvious statement of the day....Being a single mom is tough.

My friend H is having a shitty day too. Since I am going to bust her out, I am not going to link to her blog here. She had a Taco Bell binge for lunch. I couldn't stand to hear the details, although I can totally relate to the feeling out of control, being out of sorts, wanting things to turn back around on the right track but not being able to move them there. Fuck these days.

So it is 6 p.m. and I am in my pj's. I am going to curl up on the couch and watch bad TV. What's for supper? I still have some bleu cheese left and filet. There is the first course.

Potato Gratin with Bleu Cheese and Rosemary

It sounds comforting and I hope to hell it works. I'll let you know.


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