Saturday, November 04, 2006

Was that EVERYDAY?

Sitting here tonight, working on the laptop, and watching of all the random things, Sarah, Plain and Tall (don't ask).....I have cruised some of the blogs that Mrs. Kennedy has listed in the NoBloPoMo page.

I can rest assured that I am not the only blogger in a panic with having to come up with a post everyday. Well, an interesting post at the least.....

I hit on a site that did not even put any words on her last two posts, just a title like "blog post #3". Believe me when I say, I am totally not criticizing you sister, that will be me next week and I probably won't even bother with the title the week after!

But today, I am in a bit of a panic of sorts. The PRESSURE of a month's worth of posts. Because ultimately, I am a wee bit competitive. (eye rolls from everyone I have ever met....)

So in a flurry of photos I am taking as I am making supper tonight (JUST WAIT! It will be such exciting reading!), I actually took a picture of the contents of my refrigerator. I was thinking of calling it "A Day in Life of the Fridge." The series could run all month. You've been warned.......


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