Sunday, April 02, 2006

The picky eater vs. the seefood eater

Who knew one of the toughest parts of being a single mom comes every night at dinner time? Max has become decidedly uninterested in most good food. This from the child that would request his FLAY (filet) to be cooked rare, whose favorite meal was blackened grilled chicken over fettucine with
Beuchamel sauce, and who would at least sample EVERYTHING that was put in front of him. What happened to THAT kid?

I find myself cooking for him more and more. I tried for several months making meals for myself AND another meal for picky pants. That got incredibly OLD as you can imagine. Thankfully, he is not a big fast food junkie (he marvels at those kids who actually want to eat at McDonald's by choice) although he eats his share of crap. But is it just laziness that I succumb to his wishes for supper and don't enforce what should be a dictatorship and not some lameass democracy that we seem to be living?

I am sure it is scars from my childhood that makes me do it. As kids, Trent and I were forced to eat whatever was put on our plates for supper. And let me reiterate, that was NEVER a good thing. We had to clean our plates or we could not be excused from the table (What happened to THAT ritual? "May I please be excused?" I must reinstate that - mental note). Trent and I both have horror stories, both from sitting at the table in protest for 7 hours to the classic Trent eating some disgusting! meal where he proceeded to vomit all over the table (Feel free to expand on this story Trent!) We NEVER had a choice, we were never consulted, we were never part of the supper decision making.

But I find myself now, choosing meals solely based on Max's tastes. It often seems too much work to make a labor intensive and expensive meal for just myself. I always marveled at people who would eat just cereal or chips or popcorn for supper. I always thought it was such a waste. How can that be a meal? How can that satisfy? What is the point? Well, I have discovered the point is this......It is one dish washing, it is one dinner and it is one meal we can eat together. And that is precisely what we are doing tonight.

I am still cooking, only a couple times a week now. I have a few dozen posts to catch up on those meals. And I am definitely not saying I always eat what he wants. Case in point: The classic turkey, Miracle Whip and Cheetos on Wonder Bread.

Feel free to ask Max for the recipe.


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