Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Lately I have been craving food from my childhood. That would be 70's crap. I have made bacon wrapped water chestnuts (with a ketchup sugar sauce) about a half dozen times already this year. And creamy dips - I just can't seem to get enough!

Continuing the trendlast Sunday, C came over and we made FONDUE! I was given 2 fondue pots from my friend Diana after she threw a fondue party that I loved and talked about for years. I made pomegranate martinis (not with a real pom like C made - I used just juice). C brought and bought nearly everything we needed but my kitchen still saw some action!

We made a classic cheese fondue - Gruyere and Emmenthal cheeses. We had trouble with consistency but the flavor was good. To dip, we had bread, herbed red potatoes, and assorted veggies. I also made a beef broth but we both agreed the best was the hot oil! C soaked chicken breasts in buttermilk then breaded the pieces in panko. We also cubed a filet. I made 6 assorted dipping sauces and in the end, we were totally stuffed. Even Max loved it and he hates just about everything these days.

And here is a fondue factoid: Ideally, when the fondue is finished, there will be a thin crust of toasted (but not burnt) cheese in the bottom of the fondue pot. In French, this is commonly referred to as 'la religieuse' ("the nun"). I washed the nun down the drain. After an overnight soaking.


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