Sunday, November 05, 2006

(not to be hating but here are) Ten Things I Hate

1. Jello
2. Coconut
3. McDonald's
4. Artificially flavored stuff (grape, peach, strawberry and watermelon flavored anything, hazelnut coffee, banana popsicles)
4. Canned soup
5. Sourkraut
6. Kraft Macaroni and "cheese"
7. Brussel Sprouts
8. Tarragon
9. Canned Tuna (throw in canned fruit, canned peas, canned asparagus, canned potatoes, canned mushrooms, blech!)

That was pretty easy. Now here are foods I would eat only if given a choice between eating them and fucking Fabio where death is not an option....

1. Grape jelly
2. Broccoli
3. Kidney
4. Grocery store purchased birthday cakes
5. Honey mustard
6. Black licorice
7. Jelly-filled doughnuts
8. Pickle relish
9. Potato Buds


Blogger Tay said...

I am totally there with you on the black licorice and the kidney. Might I add liver to the mix, as well. Ew, I can feel my skin crawling...LOL.

7:50 PM  

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