Friday, November 19, 2004

"I like eggs"

Max would say this in answer to nearly every question during a period of about one year. "How was school today Max?" "I like eggs." "Do you want to go to a movie Max?" "I like eggs." "I'm going to count to three then pull out some whoop ass on you." (ok - not a question and I am sure I didn't say ass, but you get the drift) "I like eggs." I could only imagine it was some punch line from a long forgotten joke on a cartoon. So then SpongeBob says "I like eggs." BWAH!!!!!

It pissed me off that I do like eggs! I like them! I really do! And Max likes them! But during his idiot savant egg loving period, I did not buy eggs. I did not cook eggs. I did not eat eggs. Anything to get him to shut the hell up about EGGS!
Thankfully, I am back on the egg wagon now (or is it off?). Bring on the eggs.....


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