Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Count Down to T-Day

87 hours and counting. Last year at this time, I had already spent at least 16 hours and $600 on my Thanksgiving meal. (22 hours and $350 still to go) I hosted 26 people in what then seemed like a very, very small house. I set the tables with china and silver and made MADE table cloths for the six tables I set up to accomadate my entire ENTIRE family (divorced, remarried, divorced again, ex's, new spouses, steps, halfs) and friends, and a couple strangers. I used my antique etched water glasses and sterling silver individual salt and pepper shakers. I set out all the finer frivolous things that are never used such as my silver tea set, glass silverware caddys, silver cocktail forks. I made all the traditional dishes and special ones that were tradition for each of my guests (boiled onions and roasted beets were 2 of them). Although it mostly went off without a hitch (the herb roasted chickens did not get done in time and had to be served for dessert...), I vowed never, ever to have that kind of Thanksgiving again. I did not even eat.

So this year, my family and my dad and brother are going to my friend C's house for Thanksgiving Day. She is a wonderful WONDERFUL cook and I only have to bring cheese grits and broccoli salad. But.........

On Friday, I am having Thanksgiving-The Day After at my my house. Only 16 people at the most! Wahoo!!! I started yesterday with another, but not last, trip to the store ($100) followed by food preparation. I made my cranberry relish (yum),

Cranberry relish Posted by Hello
2 batches of cheese grits, (I'll explain the history of those later),

Cheese grits (before baking) Posted by Hello

fried up 3 pounds of bacon, 2 pounds of sausage, diced 6 onions, celery, and broccoli. I still have fresh sage growing in the garden so picked that.

fresh sage Posted by Hello
Also set the 20 pound turkey in the fridge to thaw. A nice start!

My menu:
Brined Herb stuffed Turkey
Stuffing (truly one of my favorites)
Mashed Potatoes (that too)
Cheese Grits (ok - also a favorite)
Sweet Potatoes
Glazed Carrots
Baked Beans
Sauted Green Beans
Broccoli Salad
Cranberry Relish
Dips, crackers, veggies, etc
chocolate torte
Wine, lots and lots of wine

My brother is bringing 7 layer salad and corn casserole (note to self - remember to ask him!) and my friend Susan is bringing PIES.

Today, I am going to wash and set out all my platters and serving dishes I will need, iron table cloths, and not set the table since I am using paper plates (gasp - Paper Plates!) this year. I don't have dishwasher and it was still a tough decision to go that route even though my husband and I spent around 7 hours washing dishes last year.

I read in the paper yesterday that the average cost of a family for Thanksgiving dinner is $36.78. WTF?!?!?!?!? I spend more than that on just BUTTER!


Blogger Rocket Girl said...

Good point about the dishwasher!! A few years ago we went to C's house for dinner and although it was fabulous, the no leftovers was the deal breaker for me. I love a plate of potatoes and gravy for breakfast the next day! I love the smells of turkey and stuffing cooking. I love the look of the feast when it is all set out ready to eat. I love people saying "that was so good" after eating something I have made. But I think I will love the paper plates this year!

3:56 PM  

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