Thursday, December 16, 2004

Anything come to mind?

Just got back from Cozumel where we had the most unremarkable tasting food. This photo of breakfast sums it all up.......

Breakfast of turds Posted by Hello

Fuck Me, I am TRENDY

In the January edition of Bon Appetit, the magazine devotes the entire issue to "What is Hot and What is NOT." Food blogs are now, NOW, h.o.t. I HATE being trendy and it really pisses me off that I am HOT! Mind you, if being a bitch were suddenly "HOT" I wouldn't mind a bit. In light of this "revelation" I shall devote the rest of the month to eating all the foods that the divine Bon Appetit deems "Not" just out of spite. Fuck you Bon Appetit and now where in the hell can I get Columbian tamales stuffed with lamb and lingonberries?